International Prize for Arabic Fiction: 2022 Longlist and Jurors

“The International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) is one of the programs of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre, which is chaired by Dr. Ali Bin Tamim, who is also secretary-general of the Sheikh Zayed Book Award. The Prize for Arabic Fiction is now in its 15th iteration and has released its 2022 longlist of 16 titles.
The award program provides a purse of US$50,000 to its winner. Longlisted titles by authors ranging in age from 36 to 65 come from nine countries: Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria, and the United Arab Emirates. The lead lies with Egypt, at four of the 16 titles on the longlist.
In addition to the honor of winning, this program carries critical translation funding for its winners’ books to support their distribution in the English language.”

Source: International Prize for Arabic Fiction: 2022 Longlist and Jurors

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