Being intentional about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the metaverse

“For people who speak or read languages like English and German, the internet offers endless possibilities. But many people who speak only an unwritten or nondominant language are cut off.
Today’s translation tools typically use English as an intermediary when translating between two different languages, which can be less accurate than direct translation. They also aren’t capable of translating speech in one language to speech or writing in another. That’s why using new technology to break down language barriers is so important. People will feel more connected to others if they can communicate, work, or produce art in their chosen languages. They’ll also have the potential to immediately reach billions of others across the world regardless of their preferred language. Can you imagine how that would change our lives?
Possibilities like these drive our long-term efforts to build new translation tools that will give creators and consumers the ability to participate equally in the metaverse in more languages and reach people in the farthest corners of the globe. ”
#metaglossia note

Source: Being intentional about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the metaverse

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