What is Metaglossia? – Lest we forget… | LinkedIn

Credit: Pixabay – Kilimanjaro Sunrise

“The word metaglossia was coined in 2010 from a number of traceable sources: Greek  meta, specifically in the sense of beyond or behind; early Latin glossa, i.e. languagedialect or idiom; and the affix –glos- as widely attested in the English words glossglossary, and most especially diglossiaheteroglossiamonoglossiapolyglossia, etc. or the French gloseglossaire, and more precisely diglossiehétéroglossiemonoglossiepolyglossie, etc.. In this light, metaglossia literally means beyond/behind the Word, beyond/behind languages; more specifically, metaglossia is an ubuntu-rooted sociolinguistic sphere, an interpersonal and intercultural communication space, notably the ideal translation or interpreting setting/world, whereby mutual understanding between the addresser and the addressee is ever made possible over and beyond the words or languages that have been chosen by each interacting party at any one time.”


  1. https://twitter.com/metaglossia;
  2. https://metaglossia.com/about-us/ ;
  3. https://www.blogger.com/profile/11481867605244394299;
  4. http://metaglossia.wordpress.com/
  5. https://issuu.com/wcat/docs/asa_magazine_final_version

Source: What is Metaglossia? – Lest we forget… | LinkedIn

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